Moonstruck is the highly anticipated sequel to High Moor, the debut novel from Graeme Reynolds. High Moor was an excellent read, and the second in the series doesn't disappoint. This book picks up right where High Moor left off, and the action starts almost immediately and continues at a fast pace the whole way through. I don't want to mention anything about the plot as that would give away some of the ending of the first novel, but I can say that even with the fast pace Reynolds brings in several new characters and takes the time to develop them fully. This helps him deliver an emotional impact that you don't often see from such action oriented novels, and speaks to his skills as a writer. Moonstruck is a fantastic horror novel with enough carnage to make the gore hounds happy and has scenes that are going to stay with me for a long time.
If you have read High Moor then you definitely need to pick up Moonstruck as it is one of the best books of the year. If you haven't read the first one, then by all means do so. This is not a series you want to miss out on. Highly recommended.
I give it five cocktails.
This book is available as both a paperback and an ebook from the following: Amazon US, Amazon UK, and Barnes and Noble as a paperback.
High Moor, the first in the series, can be purchased by clicking the following links: Amazon US, Amazon UK, Barnes and Noble